Let’s Grow Something


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Company News

CannaVision Hosts First Farmer Grow Meeting in Texas

February 24th CannaVision hosted a grow meeting in Meridian, Texas to introduce industrial hemp farming to area farmers. It was a full day of information and a home-cooked fajita lunch, followed up by a tour of the CannaVision Meridian farm and proposed new processing...

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Investor Contacts

James Eberhardt
Charles Eckardt
Investor Relations CannaVision, Inc 777 Main St., Ste 600 Fort Worth, TX 76102 (833) 284-4367 (833) CVI-HEMP [email protected]

Industry News

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Well Maintenance

Well Maintenance | | Conley Banman [...]

FORD FW-30 Tractor Working on Tillage

Big Tractor Power is out in the field with a 235 hp FORD FW-30 V-8 [...]

First Moments: Caring for Newborn Lambs at Ewetopia Farms

First moments caring for newborn lambs is very important and oftentimes not as easy as [...]

Biodynamic Farms Are One Thing. What About Biodynamic Businesses?

For decades after the concept of biodynamic farming was introduced in 1924, there was an [...]

On the Ground with Grocery Stores Ditching Plastic

Lea Rainey knew that if all the plastic encasing the food she was buying at [...]

Opinion: The US Doesn’t Grow Enough Food – But We Could

Despite having nearly a billion acres of prime farmland and a population of only 330 [...]

Industry-Promoted Misinformation About Intoxicating Hemp

Today's “hemp” products look a lot more like dope than rope, and that’s confusing to [...]

Dr. Andrew Weil on Cannabis and Integrative Medicine

An Interview by Naoko Miki of Green Zone Japan, a Project CBD affiliate, which was [...]

The Cannabis Cancer Connection

How THC, CBD, and other cannabis compounds kill cancer. The post The Cannabis Cancer Connection [...]

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Activation Agency is pioneering a unique approach to cannabis marketing that blends grassroots interaction with [...]

Discover how smart POS systems are transforming hemp retail with seamless transactions, real-time compliance, and [...]

Celebrating two decades since its founding, High Tek USA has established itself as a leader [...]

As the new year begins, many of us are eager to set resolutions that focus [...]

The start of a new year often brings with it a renewed sense of motivation [...]

The New Year is a time of reflection and renewal, a chance to set new [...]

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