Industrial Hemp Helps the Environment
Our factory in Cleburne, Texas, produces a variety of sizes of hemp hurd and fiber.
From long-strand fiber to hurd down to 50 microns, our materials serve various industries and projects. Hemp is a carbon-negative product, absorbing carbon from the air like no other product on Earth.
- Concrete Alternative
- Insulation
- Hemp Wood Products
- Animal Bedding
- Landscape Mulch
- Sound Deadening
- Absorbant Socks
- Spills
- Fix Muddy Walkways
- Packing Material
- Bioplastics
- 3D Modeling
- Injection Equipment
- Composites
- Textiles
Tolling Services Are Available
We can process your material and output any of our available sizes below, or customize to your specifications.
Products Available

H1 Hemp Hurd – Large Cleaned & Sorted ~1″ to 3″
Our largest processed hurd.
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <5% fiber/debris

H2 Hemp Hurd – Medium Cleaned & Sorted ~1/4″ to 1″ (Builder-Grade)
Perfect for animal bedding and hemp concrete, construction, and landscaping projects.
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <5% fiber/debris

H3 Hemp Hurd – Small Cleaned & Sorted ~5/32″ to 1/4″
Perfect for animal bedding, wood composites, concrete, and spills (absorbent-grade).
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <5% fiber/debris

M1 Micronized Hemp Hurd – 65 microns
The perfect size for insulation injection equipment.
- Blown insulation injection equipment
- Composites
- Some bioplastics
- 10 – 15% moisture

M2 Micronized Hemp Hurd – 50 microns
Our exclusive hemp gold.
- Clear & Translucent Bioplastics
- 3D Printing
- Composites
- 10 – 15% moisture

F1 Hemp Fiber – First Milled <1″ – 18″
Our longest processed fiber.
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <3% hurd/debris

F2 Hemp Fiber – Cleaned 3″ – 18″
Our longest processed fiber.
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <3% hurd/debris

F3 Hemp Fiber – Shorts <1″ – 4″
Our short hemp fiber.
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <3% hurd/debris

MF Hemp Microfiber
Our soft hemp microfiber.
- Well-retted
- De-dusted
- 10 – 15% moisture
- <3% hurd/debris