CannaVision’s brand KO Therapeutics has a growing website at KOCBD.COM with online ordering ability and more!

The website began as a vision from the label concept, which involved showing major boxing influencers with their video story right on the labels. These influencers will get royalties from the sale of products with their image on them. The idea is that these influencers will promote products with their image and video story, to help raise awareness of who they are in circles they normally wouldn’t touch. So people who don’t know who Michael A. Montoya, Christy Martin, or Roy Jones, Jr. are, for example, would see them on the KO site and see their video stories on our social media channels, learning more about them through us. The vast majority of people in the boxing industry know them, but the public may not. Therefore, our concept was designed as a way to raise awareness about the influencer and their philanthropic efforts, what they went through to get where they are, and what they learned along the way. In return, the influencer shares promos to their shop page and drives traffic. It’s a circle of benefits and a way to connect with people on a human level, more than just selling products or making money. It was designed to inspire. It’s a movement and KO has a great start.

Michael Montoya, our KO founding master influencer, and David Russell, CannaVision CEO, are going to attend the Boxing Hall of Fame events in New York to promote KO Therapeutics and make inroads with influential people. We are all working very hard to bring KO up to a major name in the boxing industry and beyond.

KO Therapeutics now has an online ordering ability at our website KOCBD.COM. But that’s not all!
We have an online application process to sign up wholesalers to sell our products in gyms, stores, and everywhere. Just take a look at our Become a Wholesaler page to see the beginning of that offer.

Soon we will be implementing an affiliate program, so that bloggers, podcasters, radio hosts, sports figures, and other influencers (who do not meet our label criteria) can still earn money promoting KO products. Stay tuned for the announcement when that becomes live.
Until then, please look at the menu item on this site called HEALTH.
When you point the mouse at it, you will see SHOP KOCBD.COM.
Please help spread the word about the store and wholesale opportunity.

Our Social Media channels for KO Therapeutics are:

Please like and follow us there.

Thank you for believing in us while we build something great,

Team CannaVision